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7 Chakras in a human

7 Chakras of the human body Credits: Recablog As a common fac t, this COVID period is being a stressful time for all of us. The outbreak has landed us in disturbing situations mentally and physically. It is normal to feel stressed when we get locked up in our rooms due to the lockdown and the fear of spread. While surfing through the internet, I recently came across something called the "Chakras" and the significance to keep them calm. I was initially confused but was later enlightened through some scholarly articles that, Chakra balancing is an excellent way to strike a balance between our mind, body, and health. Interestingly, It ensures the energy flow harmoniously through the body.  All the Chakras play distinctly different roles, from feeling grounded and relaxed to focus on overall well-being. They run from the tail end of your spinal cord to the top of your head. The word "Chakra" literally translates in Sanskrit to a "wheel" and symbolizes the ener

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